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Erotic StoriesEpisode 3: Anything At The Right Price

Episode 3: Anything At The Right Price

There is a general notion that at the right price a prostitute will do anything. Thus there are many men who pick prostitutes hoping to fulfill all their sexual fantasies. That may be right or wrong. An easy justification while joining prostitution is that it’s about pleasure and money. Pleasure in the default way of love making. A few days in to the business and one realizes it’s more about the money than the pleasure. That’s usually  the breaking point; when one decides to what bodily extremes one can go to for the money. But doing out of the ordinary things doesn’t mean one is dehumanizing herself; it comes with some sort of justification, however lame. For instance if you decide to sell both the front and back side you may tell yourself after over using the front side it has lost its fun, and the back side provides more sensation and you will enjoy it more. And sure you have a right to sweet things too.

The fantasies of men, even respected men, are weird and varied. Do you remember the would be US senator who loved to have his toe sucked? But that is as soft as it gets. Anal sex is a fantasy of many men here; actually it’s quite an obsession. The girls here are almost divided equally. There are girls who specialize in it .Others will never do it no matter the money. We girls too have some weird principles, and personal code of ethics. Like few of my girlfriends would agree to be filmed in the act with their clients. “I feel used” they say. I know I know its sounds ironical but its one of those complex personal ethics things one can never understand.

Yesterday a man picked me some minutes to midnight and took me to a nearby hotel. He looked in his late thirties.  We agreed on a price of two thousand for a one hour or so romp. There is usually no fixed price in these things and it comes down to your negotiations skills and the generosity of the man. Anyway there I was naked, and according to his wish on my fours. I love the style especially if a man’s face is not the best to look at. He fore worked on me proper. But rather than penetrate my P, I felt him try push his way through my asshole. I jumped, facing him.

“I can’t do that!” I said.

“Come on. You girls always do it. That’s why I am paying you 2k”

“I don’t do it”

“How much do you want?”

“It’s not about the money. And hey if you don’t want my P then I better get out of here”

We ended up having a hurried normal sex. I took the money and went back to the street. Of course when I narrated the story I was the laughing stock of some girls. “You don’t know what you missed” Mueni told me. Whether she meant money, pain or pleasure I didn’t know.

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